10 seeds of greatness
by dennis waitley
1. the seed of self-esteem: (appreciate the value of yourself)
"from self-love to self-worth"
self confidence is important if you want to be and feel great. this is the first seed because the path to greatness starts off with self-esteem. you need to know your worth in order to be great. you cant let people take advantage of you. People that dont have self-esteem and don't know their worth seem to be miserable and don't have the confidence they need. self esteem is also important on the path to success because you need confidence to get through a lot of obstacles in your life. You cant give up if you encounter a small problem just because you dont think you're good enough. You must always appreciate the value of yourself if you want to feel great and achieve greatness.
2. The seed of creativity:
"releasing your creative energy"
3. The seed of responsibility
"whatever we sow, we reap."
Responsibility is a vital seed of greatness. You need to take responsibility for everything you do whether it's good or bad. You also have to be a responsible person by doing what you have to do. For example, if you have to do a school project, it's great to take the responsibility of doing it. If you don't do it you also have to be honest about it instead of trying to make up an excuse of why you didn't do it and start a web of lies. Always take responsibility for your actions; even if you don't want to, because it's better to be an honest person that's responsible. Honest and responsible people will never fail to be successful.
Excuses will get you nowhere in life. If you're full of excuses no one will trust you or take you seriously.
4. The seed of wisdom
" a large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations"
You can't be great, unless you have wisdom. Wisdom plays a big role in the 10 seeds of greatness. No matter what is someone is wise they are great. . No matter what someone works as, if they are wise, then they are successful. It doesn't take a lot for someone to have a large vocabulary. If you learn 3-5 words a day, in a year you'd know almost 2 thousand new words. It's very important to keep learning even if it's not mandatory. Learning helps your brain stay stimulated and awake, whereas if you don't learn, it'll be harder to stay focused on things. It's bad to not use your brain to it's full potential because bad things start to happen. Maybe you forget things easily or feel like it's too hard to do simple things. It's important to be wise and learn as much as you can because it will always help you in the future.
5. The seed of purpose
"the gold mine in your goals"
You can't have greatness unless you have purpose. You need to have a purpose to work hard and achieve the greatness that you want. The easy way to reach your goals is if you have purpose, then it won't seem like hard work. If you have a purpose for your goals then you won't want to give up even if you feel like it's too hard. For example, learning a language takes a lot of hard work. But if you have a purpose for learning it, you'll want to keep going at it until you're good enough. You're purpose doesn't have be a grand purpose, as long as it motivates you to do what you want to do with your life. Doing something with good purpose will always lead to greatness, no matter what you're doing.
7. The seed of faith: the power of positive believing.
faith is an important thing to have if you want to be great. you have to have a positive believing and a positive attitude. you can achieve greatness through a positive attitude because you believe good things will happen. if you have a bad attitude it's going to be hard achieving greatness because you don't believe good things can happen to you. you're alwaus going to think about the negative side of things rather than the positive sides which can really make you unmotivated. You wont feel the need to do anything if you dont have positive thinking or if you dont have faith that good things will happen if you put in the hard work. positive believing can make you achieve great amazing things in life. even if some days you have some bad thoughts, take a break, relax, and believe happy positive thoughts. good things will always come to those who work hard and believe that their hard work will pay off in the end.
8. The seed of adaptability
"turning problems into opportunities"
In order to be great, you need to learn to adapt to certain circumstances. It's very important in the path to success because not everything is going to be the way you want it to, and you have to accept that. You have to be able to adapt to certain situations in order to do your work successfully. If you don't want to adapt, then you will fail and have a lost an opportunity. Sometimes if things don't go as planned you need to figure out how to can be successful and turn that change into opportunity. Change is a common thing in life, it's better to accept it and deal with it rather than complaining and not doing anything because of it. Learn to adapt and your life will be a lot easier, rather than rejecting it and making your life a lot harder. To be successful sometimes you have to get used to things changing constantly. Nothing is going to be the same forever.
9. the seed of perseverance
"the will to win is everything."
If you want to be great, you need to have perseverance to be great. On the path to greatness you can't ever give up. There will always be obstacles wherever you go but you have to persevere and learn to overcome them. For example, in school, there's always going to be obstacles. If you set your mind to it you can overcome whatever obstacles whether it's a test, presentation or a big assignment. These things might seem hard but if you persevere you can do good on those things. Another example is if you're learning something. You might be struggling and maybe you want to give up. But if you persevere eventually you'll learn the thing you were once struggling at and you'll be glad you never gave up. Never give up on your dreams because they will lead on the path of greatnes and on the path to success.
10. the seed of perspective:
"Happinness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
Perspective is a really important quality to have if you want to be great. It's very important to have perspective in order to live a happy, great life. Happiness is very important because you need happiness to live a high quality life. Through being a happy person, that makes you a great person. you cant be miserable and then wonder why your life isn't going great. Greatness comes from happiness and happiness comes from the path to greatness and success. Happiness also comes from being grateful. You have to appreciate all the good things in life. But you also have to appreciate all the bad things in life because without the dark there is no light. Always be grateful for what you have because someone out there wishes they have what you have. Always live your life with love and gratitude and it's guaranteed you live a life of greatness.
the ten seeds of greatness are all very important to have. if you want to be great, you have to have all the 10 seeds. you can't just have one and expect to be great, or 5, or 3. You have to have all 10 seeds to succeed at being a great person. if you miss one or are missing one, then you have to keep working towards that seed. all these seeds are very vital on the path to success because all these seeds will help you in one way or another to succeed. you cant expect to succeed only using one of the seeds, that'll only make you grow a little. if you plant all 10 seeds on your path to success, you will grow a whole lot. If you plant all of these you will not fail to succeed. these seeds are very useful because they help me realize what i need to do to get further in my goals. if i dont seem to be succeeding i ned to look back and think about what seed im missing that's holding me back from reaching my goals. this assignment really helped me realize what i need to do to reach my goals because now i know what'll help me reach them.
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