27 April 2017

ten tips for being more truthful

The ten tips
barbara a. lewis

  1.  make a commitment to tell the truth
  2. tell someone about your commitment
  3. think before you give a dishonest, answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason
  4. be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony
  5. be careful not to twist the truth or leave out a part of it
  6. dont indulge in little white lies
  7. watch out for silent lies
  8. when you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse
  9. talk to yourself
  10. treat yourself when you tell the truth 

 the way these ten tips will benefit me is they'll help me live a better life. It's hard to live a life full of lies because then you'll have to keep on making lies and it's inconvenient. It's easier to tell the truth because you know what happened and you dont need to think and make things up. even if the truth is bad is still better than to lie. Because you can get caught up in your lies and they might not even make sense. And if you get caught lying the repercussions can be worse than to tell the truth since the beginning. For example, if you work on a research essay for school, its easy to plagiarize rather than to do your own work so you're gonna be tempted to do it. It's gonna be harder on you if you get caught lying so it's better to be a hard worker and tell the truth because in the end it will pay off. These tips are important to live because the truth makes life easier. even if the truth hurts you're gonna be more hurt if you're cheating and lying. For my life planning journal i can write down to always be truthful. I will write to always think of the truth and even when i want to lie i know the repercussions will be bad. It will always be better to be truthful and to lie because lying means choosing the wrong.

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