01 June 2017

10 rules for success

10 rules for success
by christiano ronaldo

1. just play

2. be competitive 

3. always take on new challenges

4. know your priorities

5. people will judge you

6. work hard

7. believe you are the best

8. play for the team

9. enjoy the moments

10. have a sense of humor

these ten rules for success by ronaldo christiano are very useful. he teaches that you have to work hard no matter what. you have to enjoy your path to success or if you're not then you wont really be successful. you have to love and have fun with what you're doing. he also taught us that on your path not everyone is going to support you. some people are going to judge you. you can't let those people put you down because they're just trying to put you down because they're jealous. you're not always going to please everyone but thats okay. you also always have to not only work for yourself but work for your teams as well. your teams success is your success as well. another great rule for success is to always take on new challenges. if you don't you're always going to be stuck on the same spot. challenges and opportunities help you move forward and help you gain new skills. on the path to success it's walways important to remember these rules because you have to believe in yourself and be the best you can be. these are important rules that i can apply to my life because school is a very competitive place but i have to remember to do my best without over-working myself.

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