20 September 2016

The six attitudes of high achievers

John R. Noe

1. Make no small plans
If you want to be a high achiever you can't make small plans. You want to set many big goals for yourself. Always go the extra mile in doing an assignment. When a big challenge comes you way, don't run from it. See it as an opportunity to do something great. Be a diligent person and don't make small plans because that won't get you anywhere. Colleges always wanna see a hard-worker and great job opporutnities require someone who's diligent.  

2. Do what they fear

A great way to be a high achiever is to do what other people fear. If someone is afraid to do a big assignment, take it from them. Do the assignment and even go above expectations to prove that nothing is impossible. Never be afraid to do anything. no matter how small or big. Never be afraid to go above what someones expecting. For example, if someone has a school assignment and they have a rubric to see the highest grade, they should do everything for the highest grade and even more. Some people may think a B is enough, but high achievers don't. They want to be great but in a very humble way. A way i can apply this to my life is i, myself, can do what people are too afraid to do themselves.

3. Are willing to prepare

A great hard worker is always willing to prepare. It doesn't matter if the work is too easy or too hard. They will always find a way to get the job done. A hard worker is even willing to prepare for something that may not be relevant at the time. A high achiever will always come through no matter what. They will always be there to help no matter what. High achievers don't procrastinate. They do the job willingly and they do it right. For example, for a presentation, a high achiever will practice for it non stop until they get it right. They wont just look it over once and improvise what they're gonna say. They write it down and practice it so they won't forget. 

4. Are willing to risk failure

High achievers know they aren't perfect. So whenever they do something they are willing to risk failure. Failure is a part of learning and growing so they will learn from that and remember not to do it again in the future. For example, if a student gets a B instead of an A on a project they can ask what they did wrong, and learn from it. They wont beat themselves up about it. They'll fix that mistake in future projects. Failing isn't as bad as people percieve it. It a good way to learrn because no one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and they learn from them. Im not afraid of failing because i know thats a part of life and if there were no mistakes nobody would be learning. 

5. Are Teachable
High achievers are teachable because they are always willing to learn. They want to be well educated about everything. Being teachable means learning from everything. Learn from school or other people and learn from your mistakes. High achievers surround themselves with other high achievers and they all learn from eachother. A teachable person also doesnt brag about being smart. They keep it to themselves and keep learning. They also learn something about every situation. “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” Meister Eckhart. This means that you should be willing to learn something new everyday, and not just some days. Being teachable is a good thing because you can learn whatever you set your mind to. 

6. Have Heart
High achievers have heart because they have good character. They achieve their goals with good intent. They aren't selfish about it and brag to everyone. For example, if someone who is a high achiever makes millions off of their achievements, it would be heartless if they kept that money all to themselves. Instead, since they do have heart, they will donate whatever they can to a charitable cause. They will help those in need because they have heart. 

Final Reflection
These are very important attitudes because they teach you to live a fulfilling life. They teach you to live at the top, instead of slacking off and living at the bottom. Always do your best and achieve the highest you possible can. be humble about your work and always be prepared. Be prepared to do what others fear even if it means risking failure. Never be afraid to be a high achiever because it will always mean success. A high achiever will never fail if they're constant with the 6 attitudes. Always be teachable and willing to learn because life is full of knowledge. 

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